SESE - Simple Enigma Settings Editor

This application will allow you to simply edit Enigma1 & Enigma2 services with only few clicks. You load the list, choose satellites you want and you’re done. All unselected satellites, empty bouquets and markers are automatically removed from the list.


Windows XP SP2 or newer, Linux, Mac OS X
.NET Framework 3.5 for Windows or Mono 2.8 or newer for Linux and MacOs X
5 MB of free disk space

works on Windows, Linux and MacOS X
free, and open source. Licensed under permissive MIT license.
supports Enigma1 & Enigma2 services (automatic detection)
tasks support (add,modify and delete custom tasks to process things you do often automatically)
direct split (load the list, choose satellites you want and load them directly, no need to define any tasks)
box profiles (settings for multiple receivers)
direct box download (loads settings directly from the receiver
direct box upload (direct split)
loading settings from compressed archive ZIP & RAR (searches archive automatically for settings)
local file support (loads services from the disk)
full background processing and multithreading support
variable file names based on currently loaded settings type and current date (%E in file name is replaced by E1 or E2, %d is replaced by current date)
ZIP output (if checked, result of the task will be compressed ZIP archive)
automatic deletion of empty markers (except the ones defined in settings)
multilingual support
option to move any satellite with corresponding transponders and services to another satellite position
option to copy any satellite with corresponding transponders and services to another satellite position
uses open source EnigmaSettings library to handle all the heavy work of settings loading, management and saving.

Windows (.NET 3.5 client profile)
Linux, MacOS X, Windows (Mono / .NET 4.0)


Using Tasks to create settings with selected Satellites:

Source code available on GitHub: