Image Gemini knife BlaCk mAtrRiX 2 with Ccccam 2.2.1 and aDdOns fadaeyat

Greetings to all loved ones Bmentdiat creativity space

Today I offer you a Gemini with a distinct and new additions

This topic and highlighted the amendments

The original boot image
- Add language to the French language and in English
-Screenshot Fixed
- Corrected seen web & Vlc
- Merge CCcam 2.2.1 and CCcaminfo V1.1 in the first picture of crude away from the area of VAR
- Change the original knife with a knife in very good (Black matrix 2)
- Merge Blegn Nagrab away from the area Var
- Add Property DVR for online registration
- You can change the form of lists of channels, such as a Humax clicking on the OK button and then help
- Idhaqp new servers to the image server, including the Forum
Note: You can scroll the image by Dreamup or Flashwizard



