AAF UFS910/UFS922/TF7700 MultiPart Installer
- change Mini detection for Mini V1.4
- add multipart workaround for UFS922 E2 image
- change all path's to new E2 format (/var/...)
- change the mini detection
- add Update BA
- fix set bootargs for E2 syntax fault
- fix copy emu (TF77000)
- add flash layout for fw1.06+2bl
- add 1:1 clone BA image
- filesystem check for USB/HDD
- add copy network settings for TF7700
- grayout check mini for TF7700
- add install BA for TF7700
- fix copy settings for TF7700
- add image signature for TF7700
- disable flash button, mini button, check mini, menu bootp2.conf (only for TF7700)
- change path automount.xml to /var/etc/automount
- change check mini U-boot 1.3 installed AND activated.
- add copy bootp/bootp2 to current image
- add save bootp/bootp2 to disk
- add load bootp/bootp2 from disk
- add bootp/bootp2 simple editor
- fix copy auto.misc
- fix bug copy plugins
- copy bluekey only for /var/etc/bluekey
- fix bug copysettings
- fix for settings file and channel list (new rev's)
- add check for Mini U-boot 1.3 installed (can be disabled)
- add new flasch tool for UFS910/UFS922 (thanks to obiwatn76)
Note to new AAF LZMA E2 image:
To install the new AAF NEW LZMA E2 images you need to have Mini U-boot 1.3 installed AND active !!!
If you do install the new AAF NEW LZMA E2 image without Mini U-boot 1.3 your box will NOT boot.
Then you need to install the recovery image.
Note to flashtool:
The new flash tool can flash kim-images and only images.
The difference is that kim-images will change the bootargs to fit the kim-image.
When flashing just a image (without kim file) MPI flash the image but don't change the bootargs.
This can be handy when flashing the same image structure, or you want to set the bootargs your self.
If you have the Kathrein original FW 2.02RC in flash then MPI uses multi part flashing.
This takes a bit longer (sorry, i will later work to improve the upload speed).
Note to Mini:
1. Device name may have max 16 chars !!!
2. when installing a image in miniboot, MPI will copy settings,channels,...if selected !
3. make sure you add the serverip in the mainscreen (NEW)
To install a USB/BA image or set the boot default, click on the right mouse button to select the option.
Miniuboot file is not include. You must download the latest version.
MPI will ask where you stored the file. Then it will be uploaded.
Don't forget you need to prepare your USB stick for MiniUboot.
UFS9XX MultiPart Installer
I build another program to use Multipart for BA.
It's NOT to replace KCC but we can use this untill VisMan has more time to add multipart to KCC.
It's like BA_help from GOst4711.
Only we made a few more options.
- Install BA on UFS922 in Flash (with org. image or new E2 flash image)
- Installing a image from Flash / BA / UFS_Image for UFS910 and UFS922.
- Install a image from ../UFS_Images
- Reboot
- delete image
- rename image
- Set Boot image
- drag and drop from UFS_Images to Installed images list
- Copy settings, channels, var, amount.ini from running image
When installing a image you will be asked to change the name (or keep the name)
The image that is set for boot has a blue color.
Here are the copy options:
Copy channels:
Copy Settings:
Copy Picons:
/usr/local/share/enigma2/picon (complete dir)
Copy mount:
Copy Var:
/var/keys (complete dir)
Copy BlueKey action:
/var/.blueKey or /var/etc/blueKey (depending on copy from )
Copy Plugins:
/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/ + selected plugin ( if selected )
Copy bootp.conf:
Zur Anleitung im AAF Board
Danke an Black_64, joergurmel und den gesamten AAF Team.