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Thread: OoZooN-Image-dm500hd

  1. #1

    korn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Rep Power



    # here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² "experimental" OE 1.6 branch.
    # Enigma is of 09.01.2011
    # the plugins are of 09.01.2011
    # the drivers are of 15.12.2010
    # new kernel 2.6.18-r7.0.1
    # secondstage is 80
    # changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE

    # my changes at oe:

    # own bootlogo's, artwork by clumsy and BVB01
    # with satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd
    # changes of dccamd start
    # dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download

    # (*) included
    # (**) only via plugin-download available

    # systemplugins:

    # automatictimerlistcleanup (**)
    # automaticvolumeadjustment (**)
    # autoresolution (**)
    # cleanupwizard (**)
    # crashlogautosubmit (**)
    # crossepg (**)
    # defaultservicesscanner (**)
    # diseqctester (**)
    # dvbtime (**)
    # hotplug (*)
    # ledmanager (**)
    # networkbrowser (*)
    # networkwizard (*)
    # positionersetup (*)
    # satelliteequipmentcontrol (**)
    # satfinder (*)
    # setpasswd (**)
    # skinselector (*)
    # softwaremanager (*)
    # tempfancontrol (*)
    # videoenhancement (**)
    # videomode (*)
    # videotune (*)

    # plugins:

    # aihdcontroller (**)
    # ambx (**)
    # antiscrollbar (**)
    # appletrailer (**)
    # atmolight (**)
    # audiosync (*)
    # autotimer (**)
    # b00k (**)
    # babelzapper (**)
    # barryallen (**)
    # bartallen (**)
    # bitrateviewer (**)
    # blockcontent (**)
    # bonjour (**)
    # buliticker (**)
    # bwmon (**)
    # captain-shell (**)
    # cdinfo (**)
    # cooltvguide (**)
    # covermanager (**)
    # cronmanager (**)
    # cutlisteditor (*)
    # cvsnews (**)
    # dccamd (**)
    # dflash (*)
    # djmount (**)
    # dmvidsdirectt (**)
    # dreamdts (**)
    # dreamexplorer (**)
    # dreamirc (**)
    # drwatson (**)
    # dvdbackup (**)
    # dvdburn (**)
    # dvdcontroller (**)
    # dvdplayer (*)
    # dyndns (**)
    # easymedia (**)
    # emailclient (**)
    # enhancedmoviecenter (**)
    # epgrefresh (*)
    # epgsearch (**)
    # extendedserviceinfo (**)
    # fancontrol2 (**)
    # fantastic (**)
    # filebrowser (**)
    # flashbackup (**)
    # flashcheck (**)
    # freeze (**)
    # fritzcall (**)
    # ftpbrowser (**)
    # genuinedreambox (*)
    # googlemaps (**)
    # graphmultiepg (*)
    # growlee (**)
    # hddtemp (**)
    # hdmon (**)
    # housekeeping (**)
    # httpproxy (**)
    # imdb (**)
    # kiddytimer (**)
    # lastfm (**)
    # lcdskin (**)
    # ledctl (**)
    # ledmanager (**)
    # letterbox (**)
    # livescore (**)
    # logomanager (**)
    # lottoextended (**)
    # lottozahlen (**)
    # mediacenter (**)
    # mediadownloader (**)
    # mediaplayer (*)
    # mediascanner (*)
    # merlinepg (**)
    # merlinepgsearch (**)
    # merlinmusicplayer (*)
    # metacafedirect (**)
    # meteoitalia (**)
    # modem (*)
    # mosaic (**)
    # mountie (**)
    # mountie-light (**)
    # moviecut (**)
    # moviejukebox (**)
    # movielistpreview (**)
    # movieretitle (**)
    # movieselectionquickbutton (**)
    # movie-splitter (**)
    # movietagger (**)
    # multquickbutton (**)
    # multirc (**)
    # myspacedirect (**)
    # mytube (**)
    # myvideo (**)
    # ncidclient (**)
    # netcaster (**)
    # nfsserver (**)
    # ofdb (**)
    # off (**)
    # openpanel (**)
    # orfat (**)
    # partnerbox (**)
    # passwordchanger (**)
    # pauli (**)
    # permanentclock (**)
    # permanentrecording (**)
    # permanenttimeshift (**)
    # pictureplayer (*)
    # podcast (**)
    # puremp3player (**)
    # pzyemail (**)
    # quickbutton (**)
    # quicktv (**)
    # reconstructapsc (**)
    # remotetimer (**)
    # remotetv (**)
    # rsdownloader (**)
    # sambaserver (*)
    # screensaver (**)
    # secondinfobar (**)
    # seekbar (**)
    # sherlock (**)
    # shoutcast (**)
    # simplebitrate (**)
    # simplerss (**)
    # smargo (**)
    # socketmmi (**)
    # spinnerselektor (**)
    # sportinfos (**)
    # startuptostandby (**)
    # suduko (**)
    # swapscript (**)
    # tageditor (**)
    # timeshiftsave (**)
    # timeupdate (**)
    # trafficinfo (**)
    # translator (**)
    # tuxcom (**)
    # tversity (**)
    # unwetterinfo (**)
    # updatecheck (*)
    # upnp (**)
    # userscripts (*)
    # ushare (**)
    # valixdcontrol (**)
    # virtualzap (**)
    # vlcplayer (**)
    # wetherplugin (**)
    # wethersat (**)
    # webbrowser (**)
    # webcamviewer (**)
    # webinterface (*)
    # webradiofs (**)
    # werbezapper (**)
    # xmltvimport (**)
    # youtubeplayer (**)
    # zaphistorybrowser (**)
    # zapstatistic (**)
    # zdfmediathek (**)

    # Skins:

    # basic hd (**)
    # blackbox (**)
    # blueline (**)
    # blueline.extended (**)
    # blueline.single (**)
    # brushed alu hd (**)
    # chromeline (**)
    # chromeline.cobolt (**)
    # dmconcinnity-hd (**)
    # dmm-hd (**)
    # dreammm-hd (**)
    # dreamtv-hd (**)
    # dtv-hd (**)
    # dtv-hd-reloaded (**)
    # elgato-hd (**)
    # flatline (**)
    # (**)
    # glassline (**)
    # greenline (**)
    # greenline.extended (**)
    # greenline.single (**)
    # greyline (**)
    # greyline.extended (**)
    # greyline.single (**)
    # kerni-hd1 (**)
    # kerni-hd1r2 (**)
    # lt6-hd (**)
    # shadowline (**)
    # simple (**)
    # swain (**)
    # swain.hd (*)
    # ultraviolet (**)
    # vali.hd (**)
    # vali.hd.nano (**)
    # vali.hd.warp (**)
    # valixd (**)
    # yads-hd (**)
    # picon 01.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 04.8e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 07.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 07.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 09.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 09.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 13.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 13.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 16.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 16.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 19.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 19.2e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 23.5e 3d (**)
    # picon 23.5e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 28.2e 3d (**)
    # picon 28.2e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 39.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 39.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 42.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 42.0e 3d hd (**)

    # my changes at enigma:

    # MHW epg active
    # load patch for crossepg
    # bouquet button patch
    # .recordings patch
    # authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) <- this image will only work on original dmm hardware!

    # this image is updateble via plugins -> softwareupdate over internet!

    # OE Build Configuration:

    # BB_VERSION = "1.8-dream"
    # TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"
    # TARGET_OS = "linux"
    # MACHINE = "dm500hd"
    # DISTRO = "opendreambox"
    # DISTRO_VERSION = "1.6.0"
    # TARGET_FPU = "soft"

  2. #2

    korn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Rep Power



    # here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² "experimental" OE 1.6 branch.
    # Enigma is of 06.02.2011
    # the plugins are of 06.02.2011
    # the drivers are of 15.12.2010
    # new kernel 2.6.18-r8.0
    # secondstage is 80
    # changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE

    # my changes at oe:

    # own bootlogo's, artwork by clumsy and BVB01
    # with satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd
    # changes of dccamd start
    # dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download

    # (*) included
    # (**) only via plugin-download available

    # systemplugins:

    # automatictimerlistcleanup (**)
    # automaticvolumeadjustment (**)
    # autoresolution (**)
    # cleanupwizard (**)
    # crashlogautosubmit (**)
    # crossepg (**)
    # defaultservicesscanner (**)
    # diseqctester (**)
    # dvbtime (**)
    # hotplug (*)
    # ledmanager (**)
    # networkbrowser (*)
    # networkwizard (*)
    # positionersetup (*)
    # satelliteequipmentcontrol (**)
    # satfinder (*)
    # setpasswd (**)
    # skinselector (*)
    # softwaremanager (*)
    # tempfancontrol (*)
    # videoenhancement (**)
    # videomode (*)
    # videotune (*)

    # plugins:

    # aihdcontroller (**)
    # ambx (**)
    # antiscrollbar (**)
    # appletrailer (**)
    # atmolight (**)
    # audiosync (*)
    # autotimer (**)
    # b00k (**)
    # babelzapper (**)
    # barryallen (**)
    # bartallen (**)
    # bitrateviewer (**)
    # blockcontent (**)
    # bonjour (**)
    # buliticker (**)
    # bwmon (**)
    # captain-shell (**)
    # cdinfo (**)
    # cooltvguide (**)
    # covermanager (**)
    # cronmanager (**)
    # cutlisteditor (*)
    # cvsnews (**)
    # daemonmanager (**)
    # dccamd (**)
    # dflash (*)
    # djmount (**)
    # dmvidsdirectt (**)
    # dreamdts (**)
    # dreamexplorer (**)
    # dreamirc (**)
    # dreammediathek (**)
    # drwatson (**)
    # dvdbackup (**)
    # dvdburn (**)
    # dvdcontroller (**)
    # dvdplayer (*)
    # dyndns (**)
    # easymedia (**)
    # emailclient (**)
    # enhancedmoviecenter (**)
    # epgrefresh (*)
    # epgsearch (**)
    # extendedserviceinfo (**)
    # fancontrol2 (**)
    # fantastic (**)
    # filebrowser (**)
    # flashbackup (**)
    # flashcheck (**)
    # freeze (**)
    # fritzcall (**)
    # ftpbrowser (**)
    # genuinedreambox (*)
    # googlemaps (**)
    # graphmultiepg (*)
    # growlee (**)
    # hddtemp (**)
    # hdmon (**)
    # housekeeping (**)
    # httpproxy (**)
    # imdb (**)
    # kiddytimer (**)
    # lancontrol2 (**)
    # lastfm (**)
    # lcdskin (**)
    # ledctl (**)
    # ledmanager (**)
    # letterbox (**)
    # livescore (**)
    # logomanager (**)
    # lottoextended (**)
    # lottozahlen (**)
    # mediacenter (**)
    # mediadownloader (**)
    # mediaplayer (*)
    # mediascanner (*)
    # merlinepg (**)
    # merlinepgsearch (**)
    # merlinmusicplayer (*)
    # metacafedirect (**)
    # meteoitalia (**)
    # modem (*)
    # mosaic (**)
    # mountie (**)
    # mountie-light (**)
    # moviecut (**)
    # moviejukebox (**)
    # movielistpreview (**)
    # movieretitle (**)
    # movieselectionquickbutton (**)
    # movie-splitter (**)
    # movietagger (**)
    # multquickbutton (**)
    # multirc (**)
    # myspacedirect (**)
    # mytube (**)
    # myvideo (**)
    # ncidclient (**)
    # netcaster (**)
    # nfidump (**)
    # nfsserver (**)
    # nstreamplayer (**)
    # ofdb (**)
    # off (**)
    # openpanel (**)
    # orfat (**)
    # partnerbox (**)
    # passwordchanger (**)
    # pauli (**)
    # permanentclock (**)
    # permanentrecording (**)
    # permanenttimeshift (**)
    # pictureplayer (*)
    # planerfs (**)
    # podcast (**)
    # project-valerie (**)
    # puremp3player (**)
    # pzyemail (**)
    # quickbutton (**)
    # quicktv (**)
    # reconstructapsc (**)
    # remotetimer (**)
    # remotetv (**)
    # rsdownloader (**)
    # sambaserver (*)
    # screensaver (**)
    # secondinfobar (**)
    # seekbar (**)
    # sherlock (**)
    # shoutcast (**)
    # simplebitrate (**)
    # simplerss (**)
    # smargo (**)
    # socketmmi (**)
    # spinnerselektor (**)
    # sportinfos (**)
    # startuptostandby (**)
    # suduko (**)
    # swapscript (**)
    # tageditor (**)
    # timeshiftsave (**)
    # timeupdate (**)
    # trafficinfo (**)
    # translator (**)
    # tuxcom (**)
    # tvchart (**)
    # tversity (**)
    # unwetterinfo (**)
    # updatecheck (*)
    # upnp (**)
    # userscripts (*)
    # ushare (**)
    # valixdcontrol (**)
    # vierg (**)
    # virtualzap (**)
    # vlcplayer (**)
    # wetherplugin (**)
    # wethersat (**)
    # webbrowser (**)
    # webcamviewer (**)
    # webinterface (*)
    # webradiofs (**)
    # werbezapper (**)
    # xmltvimport (**)
    # youtubeplayer (**)
    # zaphistorybrowser (**)
    # zapstatistic (**)
    # zdfmediathek (**)

    # Skins:

    # basic hd (**)
    # blackbox (**)
    # blueline (**)
    # blueline.extended (**)
    # blueline.single (**)
    # brushed alu hd (**)
    # chromeline (**)
    # chromeline.cobolt (**)
    # dmconcinnity-hd (**)
    # dmm-hd (**)
    # dreammm-hd (**)
    # dreamtv-hd (**)
    # dtv-hd (**)
    # dtv-hd-reloaded (**)
    # elgato-hd (**)
    # flatline (**)
    # (**)
    # glassline (**)
    # greenline (**)
    # greenline.extended (**)
    # greenline.single (**)
    # greyline (**)
    # greyline.extended (**)
    # greyline.single (**)
    # kerni-hd1 (**)
    # kerni-hd1r2 (**)
    # lt6-hd (**)
    # shadowline (**)
    # simple (**)
    # swain (**)
    # swain.hd (*)
    # ultraviolet (**)
    # vali.hd (**)
    # vali.hd.atlantis (**)
    # vali.hd.nano (**)
    # vali.hd.warp (**)
    # valixd (**)
    # yads-hd (**)
    # picon (**)
    # picon 01.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 04.8e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 07.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 07.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 09.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 09.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 13.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 13.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 16.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 16.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 19.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 19.2e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 23.5e 3d (**)
    # picon 23.5e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 28.2e 3d (**)
    # picon 28.2e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 39.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 39.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 42.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 42.0e 3d hd (**)

    # my changes at enigma:

    # MHW epg active
    # load patch for crossepg
    # bouquet button patch
    # .recordings patch
    # video preview patch (by parsurimi)
    # authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) <- this image will only work on original dmm hardware!

    # this image is updateble via plugins -> softwareupdate over internet!

    # OE Build Configuration:

    # BB_VERSION = "1.8-dream"
    # TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"
    # TARGET_OS = "linux"
    # MACHINE = "dm500hd"
    # DISTRO = "opendreambox"
    # DISTRO_VERSION = "1.6.0"
    # TARGET_FPU = "soft"

  3. #3

    korn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Rep Power



    # here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² "experimental" OE 1.6 branch.
    # Enigma is of 06.03.2011
    # the plugins are of 06.03.2011
    # the drivers are of 02.03.2011
    # new kernel 2.6.18-r10.0
    # secondstage is 83
    # changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE

    # my changes at oe:

    # own bootlogo's, artwork by clumsy and BVB01
    # with satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd
    # changes of dccamd start
    # dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download

    # (*) included
    # (**) only via plugin-download available

    # systemplugins:

    # automatictimerlistcleanup (**)
    # automaticvolumeadjustment (**)
    # autoresolution (**)
    # cleanupwizard (**)
    # crashlogautosubmit (**)
    # crossepg (**)
    # defaultservicesscanner (**)
    # diseqctester (**)
    # dvbtime (**)
    # hotplug (*)
    # ledmanager (**)
    # networkbrowser (*)
    # networkwizard (*)
    # positionersetup (*)
    # satelliteequipmentcontrol (**)
    # satfinder (*)
    # setpasswd (**)
    # skinselector (*)
    # softwaremanager (*)
    # tempfancontrol (*)
    # videoenhancement (**)
    # videomode (*)
    # videotune (*)

    # plugins:

    # aihdcontroller (**)
    # ambx (**)
    # antiscrollbar (**)
    # appletrailer (**)
    # atmolight (**)
    # audiosync (*)
    # autotimer (**)
    # b00k (**)
    # babelzapper (**)
    # barryallen (**)
    # bartallen (**)
    # bitrateviewer (**)
    # blockcontent (**)
    # bonjour (**)
    # buliticker (**)
    # bwmon (**)
    # captain-shell (**)
    # cdinfo (**)
    # cooltvguide (**)
    # covermanager (**)
    # cronmanager (**)
    # cutlisteditor (*)
    # cvsnews (**)
    # daemonmanager (**)
    # dccamd (**)
    # dflash (*)
    # djmount (**)
    # dmvidsdirectt (**)
    # dreamdts (**)
    # dreamexplorer (**)
    # dreamirc (**)
    # dreammediathek (**)
    # drwatson (**)
    # dvdbackup (**)
    # dvdburn (**)
    # dvdcontroller (**)
    # dvdplayer (*)
    # dyndns (**)
    # easymedia (**)
    # emailclient (**)
    # enhancedmoviecenter (**)
    # epgrefresh (*)
    # epgsearch (**)
    # extendedserviceinfo (**)
    # fancontrol2 (**)
    # fantastic (**)
    # filebrowser (**)
    # flashbackup (**)
    # flashcheck (**)
    # freeze (**)
    # fritzcall (**)
    # ftpbrowser (**)
    # genuinedreambox (*)
    # googlemaps (**)
    # graphmultiepg (*)
    # growlee (**)
    # hddtemp (**)
    # hdmon (**)
    # housekeeping (**)
    # httpproxy (**)
    # imdb (**)
    # kiddytimer (**)
    # lancontrol2 (**)
    # lastfm (**)
    # lcdskin (**)
    # ledctl (**)
    # ledmanager (**)
    # letterbox (**)
    # livescore (**)
    # logomanager (**)
    # lottoextended (**)
    # lottozahlen (**)
    # mediacenter (**)
    # mediadownloader (**)
    # mediaplayer (*)
    # mediascanner (*)
    # merlinepg (**)
    # merlinepgsearch (**)
    # merlinmusicplayer (*)
    # metacafedirect (**)
    # meteoitalia (**)
    # modem (*)
    # mosaic (**)
    # mountie (**)
    # mountie-light (**)
    # moviecut (**)
    # moviejukebox (**)
    # movielistpreview (**)
    # movieretitle (**)
    # movieselectionquickbutton (**)
    # movie-splitter (**)
    # movietagger (**)
    # multquickbutton (**)
    # multirc (**)
    # myspacedirect (**)
    # mytube (**)
    # myvideo (**)
    # ncidclient (**)
    # netcaster (**)
    # nfidump (**)
    # nfsserver (**)
    # nstreamplayer (**)
    # ofdb (**)
    # off (**)
    # openpanel (**)
    # orfat (**)
    # partnerbox (**)
    # passwordchanger (**)
    # pauli (**)
    # permanentclock (**)
    # permanentrecording (**)
    # permanenttimeshift (**)
    # pictureplayer (*)
    # planerfs (**)
    # podcast (**)
    # project-valerie (**)
    # puremp3player (**)
    # pzyemail (**)
    # quickbutton (**)
    # quicktv (**)
    # reconstructapsc (**)
    # remotetimer (**)
    # remotetv (**)
    # rsdownloader (**)
    # sambaserver (*)
    # screensaver (**)
    # secondinfobar (**)
    # seekbar (**)
    # serientimer (**)
    # sherlock (**)
    # shoutcast (**)
    # simplebitrate (**)
    # simplerss (**)
    # smargo (**)
    # socketmmi (**)
    # spinnerselektor (**)
    # sportinfos (**)
    # startuptostandby (**)
    # suduko (**)
    # swapscript (**)
    # tageditor (**)
    # timeshiftsave (**)
    # timeupdate (**)
    # trafficinfo (**)
    # translator (**)
    # tuxcom (**)
    # tvcharts (**)
    # tversity (**)
    # unwetterinfo (**)
    # updatecheck (*)
    # upnp (**)
    # userscripts (*)
    # ushare (**)
    # valixdcontrol (**)
    # vierg (**)
    # virtualzap (**)
    # vlcplayer (**)
    # wetherplugin (**)
    # wethersat (**)
    # webbrowser (**)
    # webcamviewer (**)
    # webbouqueteditor (**)
    # webinterface (*)
    # webradiofs (**)
    # webvideoplayer (**)
    # werbezapper (**)
    # xmltvimport (**)
    # youtubeplayer (**)
    # zaphistorybrowser (**)
    # zapstatistic (**)
    # zdfmediathek (**)

    # Skins:

    # basic hd (**)
    # blackbox (**)
    # blueline (**)
    # blueline.extended (**)
    # blueline.single (**)
    # brushed alu hd (**)
    # chromeline (**)
    # chromeline.cobolt (**)
    # dmconcinnity-hd (**)
    # dmm-hd (**)
    # dreammm-hd (**)
    # dreamtv-hd (**)
    # dtv-hd (**)
    # dtv-hd-reloaded (**)
    # elgato-hd (**)
    # flatline (**)
    # (**)
    # glassline (**)
    # greenline (**)
    # greenline.extended (**)
    # greenline.single (**)
    # greyline (**)
    # greyline.extended (**)
    # greyline.single (**)
    # kerni-hd1 (**)
    # kerni-hd1r2 (**)
    # lt6-hd (**)
    # shadowline (**)
    # simple (**)
    # swain (**)
    # swain.hd (**)
    # ultraviolet (**)
    # vali.hd (**)
    # vali.hd.atlantis (**)
    # vali.hd.nano (*)
    # vali.hd.warp (**)
    # valixd (**)
    # yads-hd (**)
    # picon (*)
    # picon 01.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 04.8e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 07.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 07.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 09.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 09.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 13.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 13.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 16.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 16.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 19.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 19.2e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 23.5e 3d (**)
    # picon 23.5e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 28.2e 3d (**)
    # picon 28.2e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 39.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 39.0e 3d hd (**)
    # picon 42.0e 3d (**)
    # picon 42.0e 3d hd (**)

    # my changes at enigma:

    # MHW epg active
    # load patch for crossepg
    # bouquet button patch
    # .recordings patch
    # video preview patch (by parsurimi)
    # authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) <- this image will only work on original dmm hardware!

    # this image is updateble via plugins -> softwareupdate over internet!

    # OE Build Configuration:

    # BB_VERSION = "1.8-dream"
    # TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"
    # TARGET_OS = "linux"
    # MACHINE = "dm500hd"
    # DISTRO = "opendreambox"
    # DISTRO_VERSION = "1.6.0"
    # TARGET_FPU = "soft"

  4. #4

    korn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Rep Power



    here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² "release" OE 1.6 branch.
    Enigma is of 21.03.2011
    the plugins are of 18.03.2011
    the drivers are of 27.02.2011
    new kernel 2.6.18-r11.0
    secondstage is 83
    changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE

    my changes at oe:

    own bootlogo's, artwork by skywatcher
    with satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd
    changes of dccamd start
    dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download

    (*) included
    (**) only via plugin-download available


    automatictimerlistcleanup (**)
    automaticvolumeadjustment (**)
    autoresolution (**)
    cleanupwizard (**)
    crashlogautosubmit (**)
    crossepg (**)
    defaultservicesscanner (**)
    diseqctester (**)
    dvbtime (**)
    hotplug (*)
    ledmanager (**)
    networkbrowser (*)
    networkwizard (*)
    positionersetup (*)
    satelliteequipmentcontrol (**)
    satfinder (*)
    setpasswd (**)
    skinselector (*)
    softwaremanager (*)
    tempfancontrol (*)
    videoenhancement (**)
    videomode (*)
    videotune (*)


    aihdcontroller (**)
    ambx (**)
    antiscrollbar (**)
    appletrailer (**)
    atmolight (**)
    audiosync (*)
    autotimer (**)
    b00k (**)
    babelzapper (**)
    barryallen (**)
    bartallen (**)
    bitrateviewer (**)
    blockcontent (**)
    bonjour (**)
    buliticker (**)
    bwmon (**)
    captain-shell (**)
    cdinfo (**)
    cooltvguide (**)
    covermanager (**)
    cronmanager (**)
    cutlisteditor (*)
    cvsnews (**)
    daemonmanager (**)
    dccamd (**)
    dflash (*)
    djmount (**)
    dmvidsdirectt (**)
    dreamdts (**)
    dreamexplorer (**)
    dreamirc (**)
    dreammediathek (**)
    drwatson (**)
    dvdbackup (**)
    dvdburn (**)
    dvdcontroller (**)
    dvdplayer (*)
    dyndns (**)
    easymedia (**)
    emailclient (**)
    enhancedmoviecenter (**)
    epgrefresh (*)
    epgsearch (**)
    extendedserviceinfo (**)
    fancontrol2 (**)
    fantastic (**)
    filebrowser (**)
    flashbackup (**)
    flashcheck (**)
    freeze (**)
    fritzcall (**)
    fstabeditor (**)
    ftpbrowser (**)
    genuinedreambox (*)
    googlemaps (**)
    graphmultiepg (*)
    growlee (**)
    hddtemp (**)
    hdmon (**)
    housekeeping (**)
    httpproxy (**)
    imdb (**)
    kiddytimer (**)
    lancontrol2 (**)
    lastfm (**)
    lcdskin (**)
    ledctl (**)
    ledmanager (**)
    letterbox (**)
    livescore (**)
    logomanager (**)
    lottoextended (**)
    lottozahlen (**)
    mediacenter (**)
    mediadownloader (**)
    mediaplayer (*)
    mediascanner (*)
    merlinepg (**)
    merlinepgsearch (**)
    merlinmusicplayer (*)
    metacafedirect (**)
    meteoitalia (**)
    modem (*)
    mosaic (**)
    mountie (**)
    mountie-light (**)
    moviecut (**)
    moviejukebox (**)
    movielistpreview (**)
    movieretitle (**)
    movieselectionquickbutton (**)
    movie-splitter (**)
    movietagger (**)
    multimediathek (**)
    multiquickbutton (**)
    multirc (**)
    myspacedirect (**)
    mytube (**)
    myvideo (**)
    ncidclient (**)
    netcaster (**)
    nfidump (**)
    nfsserver (**)
    nstreamplayer (**)
    ofdb (**)
    off (**)
    openpanel (**)
    orfat (**)
    partnerbox (**)
    passwordchanger (**)
    pauli (**)
    permanentclock (**)
    permanentrecording (**)
    permanenttimeshift (**)
    pictureplayer (*)
    planerfs (**)
    podcast (**)
    project-valerie (**)
    puremp3player (**)
    pzyemail (**)
    quickbutton (**)
    quicktv (**)
    reconstructapsc (**)
    remotetimer (**)
    remotetv (**)
    rsdownloader (**)
    sambaserver (*)
    screensaver (**)
    secondinfobar (**)
    seekbar (**)
    serientimer (**)
    sherlock (**)
    shoutcast (**)
    simplebitrate (**)
    simplerss (**)
    smargo (**)
    socketmmi (**)
    spinnerselektor (**)
    sportinfos (**)
    startuptostandby (**)
    suduko (**)
    swapscript (**)
    tageditor (**)
    timeshiftsave (**)
    timeupdate (**)
    trafficinfo (**)
    translator (**)
    tuxcom (**)
    tvcharts (**)
    tversity (**)
    unwetterinfo (**)
    updatecheck (*)
    upnp (**)
    userscripts (*)
    ushare (**)
    valixdcontrol (**)
    vierg (**)
    virtualzap (**)
    vlcplayer (**)
    wetherplugin (**)
    wethersat (**)
    webbrowser (**)
    webcamviewer (**)
    webbouqueteditor (**)
    webinterface (*)
    webradiofs (**)
    webvideoplayer (**)
    werbezapper (**)
    xmltvimport (**)
    youtubeplayer (**)
    zaphistorybrowser (**)
    zapstatistic (**)
    zdfmediathek (**)


    basic hd (**)
    blackbox (**)
    blueline (**)
    blueline.extended (**)
    blueline.single (**)
    brushed alu hd (**)
    chromeline (**)
    chromeline.cobolt (**)
    dmconcinnity-hd (**)
    dmm-hd (**)
    dreammm-hd (**)
    dreamtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd-reloaded (**)
    elgato-hd (**)
    flatline (**) (**)
    glassline (**)
    greenline (**)
    greenline.extended (**)
    greenline.single (**)
    greyline (**)
    greyline.extended (**)
    greyline.single (**)
    kerni-hd1 (**)
    kerni-hd1r2 (**)
    lt6-hd (**)
    shadowline (**)
    simple (**)
    swain (**)
    swain.hd (**)
    ultraviolet (**)
    vali.hd (**)
    vali.hd.atlantis (**)
    vali.hd.nano (**)
    vali.hd.nano.mod (*)
    vali.hd.warp (**)
    valixd (**)
    yads-hd (**)
    picon (*)
    picon 01.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 04.8e 3d hd (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 19.0e 3d (**)
    picon 19.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d hd (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d hd (**)

    my changes at enigma:

    MHW epg active
    load patch for crossepg
    bouquet button patch
    .recordings patch
    video preview patch (by parsurimi)
    authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) <- this image will only work on original dmm hardware!

    this image is updateble via plugins -> softwareupdate over internet!

    OE Build Configuration:

    BB_VERSION = "1.8-dream"
    TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"
    TARGET_OS = "linux"
    MACHINE = "dm500hd"
    DISTRO = "opendreambox"
    DISTRO_VERSION = "1.6.0"
    TARGET_FPU = "soft"

  5. #5

    korn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Rep Power



    here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² "experimental" OE 1.6 branch.
    Enigma is of 17.04.2011
    the plugins are of 17.04.2011
    the drivers are of 09.03.2011
    new kernel 2.6.18-r12.0
    secondstage is 83
    changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE

    my changes at oe:

    own bootlogo's, artwork by skywatcher
    with satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd
    changes of dccamd start
    dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download

    (*) included
    (**) only via plugin-download available


    automatictimerlistcleanup (**)
    automaticvolumeadjustment (**)
    autoresolution (**)
    cleanupwizard (**)
    crashlogautosubmit (**)
    crossepg (**)
    defaultservicesscanner (**)
    diseqctester (**)
    dvbtime (**)
    hotplug (*)
    ledmanager (**)
    networkbrowser (*)
    networkwizard (*)
    positionersetup (*)
    satelliteequipmentcontrol (**)
    satfinder (*)
    setpasswd (**)
    skinselector (*)
    softwaremanager (*)
    tempfancontrol (*)
    videoenhancement (**)
    videomode (*)
    videotune (*)


    aihdcontroller (**)
    ambx (**)
    antiscrollbar (**)
    appletrailer (**)
    atmolight (**)
    audiosync (*)
    autotimer (**)
    b00k (**)
    babelzapper (**)
    barryallen (**)
    bartallen (**)
    bitrateviewer (**)
    blockcontent (**)
    bonjour (**)
    buliticker (**)
    bwmon (**)
    captain-shell (**)
    cdinfo (**)
    cooltvguide (**)
    covermanager (**)
    cronmanager (**)
    cutlisteditor (*)
    cvsnews (**)
    daemonmanager (**)
    dccamd (**)
    dflash (*)
    djmount (**)
    dmvidsdirectt (**)
    dreamdts (**)
    dreamexplorer (**)
    dreamirc (**)
    dreammediathek (**)
    drwatson (**)
    dvdbackup (**)
    dvdburn (**)
    dvdcontroller (**)
    dvdplayer (*)
    dyndns (**)
    easymedia (**)
    emailclient (**)
    enhancedmoviecenter (**)
    epgrefresh (*)
    epgsearch (**)
    extendedserviceinfo (**)
    fancontrol2 (**)
    fantastic (**)
    filebrowser (**)
    flashbackup (**)
    flashcheck (**)
    freeze (**)
    fritzcall (**)
    ftpbrowser (**)
    genuinedreambox (*)
    googlemaps (**)
    graphmultiepg (*)
    growlee (**)
    hddtemp (**)
    hdmon (**)
    housekeeping (**)
    httpproxy (**)
    imdb (**)
    kiddytimer (**)
    lancontrol2 (**)
    lastfm (**)
    lcdskin (**)
    ledctl (**)
    ledmanager (**)
    letterbox (**)
    livescore (**)
    logomanager (**)
    lottoextended (**)
    lottozahlen (**)
    mediacenter (**)
    mediadownloader (**)
    mediaplayer (*)
    mediascanner (*)
    merlinepg (**)
    merlinepgsearch (**)
    merlinmusicplayer (*)
    metacafedirect (**)
    meteoitalia (**)
    modem (*)
    mosaic (**)
    mountie (**)
    mountie-light (**)
    moviecut (**)
    moviejukebox (**)
    movielistpreview (**)
    movieretitle (**)
    movieselectionquickbutton (**)
    movie-splitter (**)
    movietagger (**)
    multquickbutton (**)
    multirc (**)
    myspacedirect (**)
    mytube (**)
    myvideo (**)
    ncidclient (**)
    netcaster (**)
    nfidump (**)
    nfsserver (**)
    nstreamplayer (**)
    ofdb (**)
    off (**)
    openpanel (**)
    orfat (**)
    partnerbox (**)
    passwordchanger (**)
    pauli (**)
    permanentclock (**)
    permanentrecording (**)
    permanenttimeshift (**)
    pictureplayer (*)
    planerfs (**)
    podcast (**)
    project-valerie (**)
    puremp3player (**)
    pzyemail (**)
    quickbutton (**)
    quicktv (**)
    reconstructapsc (**)
    remotetimer (**)
    remotetv (**)
    rsdownloader (**)
    sambaserver (*)
    screensaver (**)
    secondinfobar (**)
    seekbar (**)
    serientimer (**)
    sherlock (**)
    shoutcast (**)
    simplebitrate (**)
    simplerss (**)
    smargo (**)
    socketmmi (**)
    spinnerselektor (**)
    sportinfos (**)
    startuptostandby (**)
    suduko (**)
    swapscript (**)
    tageditor (**)
    timeshiftsave (**)
    timeupdate (**)
    trafficinfo (**)
    translator (**)
    tuxcom (**)
    tvcharts (**)
    tversity (**)
    unwetterinfo (**)
    updatecheck (*)
    upnp (**)
    userscripts (*)
    ushare (**)
    valixdcontrol (**)
    vierg (**)
    virtualzap (**)
    vlcplayer (**)
    wetherplugin (**)
    wethersat (**)
    webbrowser (**)
    webcamviewer (**)
    webbouqueteditor (**)
    webinterface (*)
    webradiofs (**)
    webvideoplayer (**)
    werbezapper (**)
    xmltvimport (**)
    youtubeplayer (**)
    zaphistorybrowser (**)
    zapstatistic (**)
    zdfmediathek (**)


    basic hd (**)
    blackbox (**)
    blueline (**)
    blueline.extended (**)
    blueline.single (**)
    brushed alu hd (**)
    chromeline (**)
    chromeline.cobolt (**)
    dmconcinnity-hd (**)
    dmm-hd (**)
    dreammm-hd (**)
    dreamtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd-reloaded (**)
    elgato-hd (**)
    flatline (**) (**)
    glassline (**)
    greenline (**)
    greenline.extended (**)
    greenline.single (**)
    greyline (**)
    greyline.extended (**)
    greyline.single (**)
    kerni-hd1 (**)
    kerni-hd1r2 (**)
    lt6-hd (**)
    shadowline (**)
    simple (**)
    swain (**)
    swain.hd (**)
    ultraviolet (**)
    vali.hd (**)
    vali.hd.atlantis (**)
    vali.hd.nano (**)
    vali.hd.nano.mod (*)
    vali.hd.warp (**)
    valixd (**)
    yads-hd (**)
    picon (*)
    picon 01.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 04.8e 3d hd (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 19.0e 3d (**)
    picon 19.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d hd (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d hd (**)

    my changes at enigma:

    MHW epg active
    load patch for crossepg
    bouquet button patch
    .recordings patch
    video preview patch (by parsurimi)
    authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) <- this image will only work on original dmm hardware!

    this image is updateble via plugins -> softwareupdate over internet!

    OE Build Configuration:

    BB_VERSION = "1.8-dream"
    TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"
    TARGET_OS = "linux"
    MACHINE = "dm500hd"
    DISTRO = "opendreambox"
    DISTRO_VERSION = "1.6.0"
    TARGET_FPU = "soft"

  6. #6

    korn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Rep Power




    here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² "experimental" OE 1.6 branch.
    Enigma is of 15.05.2011
    the plugins are of 15.05.2011
    the drivers are of 06.05.2011
    new kernel 2.6.18-r12.0
    secondstage is 83
    changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE

    my changes at oe:

    own bootlogo's, artwork by skywatcher
    with satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd
    changes of dccamd start
    dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download

    (*) included
    (**) only via plugin-download available


    automatictimerlistcleanup (**)
    automaticvolumeadjustment (**)
    autoresolution (**)
    cleanupwizard (**)
    crashlogautosubmit (**)
    crossepg (**)
    defaultservicesscanner (**)
    diseqctester (**)
    dvbtime (**)
    hotplug (*)
    ledmanager (**)
    networkbrowser (*)
    networkwizard (*)
    positionersetup (*)
    satelliteequipmentcontrol (**)
    satfinder (*)
    setpasswd (**)
    skinselector (*)
    softwaremanager (*)
    tempfancontrol (*)
    videoenhancement (**)
    videomode (*)
    videotune (*)


    aihdcontroller (**)
    ambx (**)
    antiscrollbar (**)
    appletrailer (**)
    atmolight (**)
    audiosync (*)
    autotimer (**)
    b00k (**)
    babelzapper (**)
    barryallen (**)
    bartallen (**)
    bitrateviewer (**)
    blockcontent (**)
    bonjour (**)
    buliticker (**)
    bwmon (**)
    captain-shell (**)
    cdinfo (**)
    cooltvguide (**)
    covermanager (**)
    cronmanager (**)
    cutlisteditor (*)
    cvsnews (**)
    daemonmanager (**)
    dccamd (**)
    dflash (*)
    djmount (**)
    dmvidsdirectt (**)
    dreamdts (**)
    dreamexplorer (**)
    dreamirc (**)
    dreammediathek (**)
    drwatson (**)
    dvdbackup (**)
    dvdburn (**)
    dvdcontroller (**)
    dvdplayer (*)
    dyndns (**)
    easymedia (**)
    emailclient (**)
    enhancedmoviecenter (**)
    epgrefresh (*)
    epgsearch (**)
    extendedserviceinfo (**)
    fancontrol2 (**)
    fantastic (**)
    filebrowser (**)
    flashbackup (**)
    flashcheck (**)
    freeze (**)
    fritzcall (**)
    ftpbrowser (**)
    genuinedreambox (*)
    googlemaps (**)
    graphmultiepg (*)
    growlee (**)
    hddtemp (**)
    hdmon (**)
    housekeeping (**)
    httpproxy (**)
    imdb (**)
    kiddytimer (**)
    lancontrol2 (**)
    lastfm (**)
    lcdskin (**)
    ledctl (**)
    ledmanager (**)
    letterbox (**)
    livescore (**)
    logomanager (**)
    lottoextended (**)
    lottozahlen (**)
    mediacenter (**)
    mediadownloader (**)
    mediaplayer (*)
    mediascanner (*)
    merlinepg (**)
    merlinepgsearch (**)
    merlinmusicplayer (*)
    metacafedirect (**)
    meteoitalia (**)
    modem (*)
    mosaic (**)
    mountie (**)
    mountie-light (**)
    moviecut (**)
    moviejukebox (**)
    movielistpreview (**)
    movieretitle (**)
    movieselectionquickbutton (**)
    movie-splitter (**)
    movietagger (**)
    multquickbutton (**)
    multirc (**)
    myspacedirect (**)
    mytube (**)
    myvideo (**)
    ncidclient (**)
    netcaster (**)
    nfidump (**)
    nfsserver (**)
    nstreamplayer (**)
    ofdb (**)
    off (**)
    openpanel (**)
    orfat (**)
    partnerbox (**)
    passwordchanger (**)
    pauli (**)
    permanentclock (**)
    permanentrecording (**)
    permanenttimeshift (**)
    pictureplayer (*)
    planerfs (**)
    podcast (**)
    project-valerie (**)
    puremp3player (**)
    pzyemail (**)
    quickbutton (**)
    quicktv (**)
    reconstructapsc (**)
    remotetimer (**)
    remotetv (**)
    rsdownloader (**)
    sambaserver (*)
    screensaver (**)
    secondinfobar (**)
    seekbar (**)
    serientimer (**)
    sherlock (**)
    shoutcast (**)
    simplebitrate (**)
    simplerss (**)
    smargo (**)
    socketmmi (**)
    spinnerselektor (**)
    sportinfos (**)
    startuptostandby (**)
    suduko (**)
    swapscript (**)
    tageditor (**)
    timeshiftsave (**)
    timeupdate (**)
    trafficinfo (**)
    translator (**)
    tuxcom (**)
    tvcharts (**)
    tversity (**)
    unwetterinfo (**)
    updatecheck (*)
    upnp (**)
    userscripts (*)
    ushare (**)
    valixdcontrol (**)
    vierg (**)
    virtualzap (**)
    vlcplayer (**)
    wetherplugin (**)
    wethersat (**)
    webbrowser (**)
    webcamviewer (**)
    webbouqueteditor (**)
    webinterface (*)
    webradiofs (**)
    webvideoplayer (**)
    werbezapper (**)
    xmltvimport (**)
    youtubeplayer (**)
    zaphistorybrowser (**)
    zapstatistic (**)
    zdfmediathek (**)


    basic hd (**)
    blackbox (**)
    blueline (**)
    blueline.extended (**)
    blueline.single (**)
    brushed alu hd (**)
    chromeline (**)
    chromeline.cobolt (**)
    dmconcinnity-hd (**)
    dmm-hd (**)
    dreammm-hd (**)
    dreamtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd-reloaded (**)
    elgato-hd (**)
    flatline (**) (**)
    glassline (**)
    greenline (**)
    greenline.extended (**)
    greenline.single (**)
    greyline (**)
    greyline.extended (**)
    greyline.single (**)
    kerni-hd1 (**)
    kerni-hd1r2 (**)
    lt6-hd (**)
    shadowline (**)
    simple (**)
    swain (**)
    swain.hd (**)
    ultraviolet (**)
    vali.hd (**)
    vali.hd.atlantis (**)
    vali.hd.nano (**)
    vali.hd.nano.mod (*)
    vali.hd.warp (**)
    valixd (**)
    yads-hd (**)
    picon (*)
    picon 01.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 04.8e 3d hd (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 19.0e 3d (**)
    picon 19.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d hd (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d hd (**)

    my changes at enigma:

    MHW epg active
    load patch for crossepg
    bouquet button patch
    .recordings patch
    video preview patch (by parsurimi)
    spinner fix patch (by adenin)
    authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) <- this image will only work on original dmm hardware!

    this image is updateble via plugins -> softwareupdate over internet!

    OE Build Configuration:

    BB_VERSION = "1.8-dream"
    TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"
    TARGET_OS = "linux"
    MACHINE = "dm500hd"
    DISTRO = "opendreambox"
    DISTRO_VERSION = "1.6.0"
    TARGET_FPU = "soft"

  7. #7

    here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² “experimental” OE 1.6 branch.
    Enigma is of 30.07.2011
    the plugins are of 30.07.2011
    the drivers are of 06.05.2011
    new kernel 2.6.18-r12.0.1
    secondstage is 83
    changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE h**p://
    my changes at oe:
    own bootlogo’s, artwork by skywatcher
    with satellites.xml – enigma² by Reinh@rd
    changes of dccamd start
    dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download
    (*) included
    (**) only via plugin-download available
    automaticcleanup (**)
    automatictimerlistcleanup (**)
    automaticvolumeadjustment (**)
    autoresolution (**)
    cleanupwizard (**)
    crashlogautosubmit (**)
    crossepg (**)
    defaultservicesscanner (**)
    diseqctester (**)
    dvbtime (**)
    hotplug (*)
    ledmanager (**)
    mphelp (**)
    networkbrowser (*)
    networkwizard (*)
    positionersetup (*)
    satelliteequipmentcontrol (**)
    satfinder (*)
    setpasswd (**)
    skinselector (*)
    softwaremanager (*)
    tempfancontrol (*)
    videoenhancement (**)
    videomode (*)
    videotune (*)
    vps (**)
    aihdcontroller (**)
    ambx (**)
    antiscrollbar (**)
    appletrailer (**)
    atmolight (**)
    audiosync (*)
    autotimer (**)
    b00k (**)
    babelzapper (**)
    barryallen (**)
    bartallen (**)
    bitrateviewer (**)
    blockcontent (**)
    bonjour (**)
    buliticker (**)
    bwmon (**)
    captain-shell (**)
    cdinfo (**)
    cooltvguide (**)
    covermanager (**)
    cronmanager (**)
    cutlisteditor (*)
    cvsnews (**)
    daemonmanager (**)
    dccamd (**)
    dflash (*)
    djmount (**)
    dmvidsdirectt (**)
    dreamdts (**)
    dreamexplorer (**)
    dreamirc (**)
    dreammediathek (**)
    drwatson (**)
    dvdbackup (**)
    dvdburn (**)
    dvdcontroller (**)
    dvdplayer (*)
    dyndns (**)
    easymedia (**)
    emailclient (**)
    enhancedmoviecenter (**)
    epgrefresh (*)
    epgsearch (**)
    extendedserviceinfo (**)
    fancontrol2 (**)
    fantastic (**)
    filebrowser (**)
    flashbackup (**)
    flashcheck (**)
    freeze (**)
    fritzcall (**)
    ftpbrowser (**)
    genuinedreambox (*)
    googlemaps (**)
    graphmultiepg (*)
    growlee (**)
    hddtemp (**)
    hdmon (**)
    housekeeping (**)
    httpproxy (**)
    imdb (**)
    kiddytimer (**)
    lancontrol2 (**)
    lastfm (**)
    lcdskin (**)
    ledctl (**)
    ledmanager (**)
    letterbox (**)
    livescore (**)
    logomanager (**)
    lottoextended (**)
    lottozahlen (**)
    mediacenter (**)
    mediadownloader (**)
    mediaplayer (*)
    mediascanner (*)
    merlinepg (**)
    merlinepgsearch (**)
    merlinmusicplayer (*)
    metacafedirect (**)
    meteoitalia (**)
    modem (*)
    mosaic (**)
    mountie (**)
    mountie-light (**)
    moviecut (**)
    movieepg (**)
    moviejukebox (**)
    movielistpreview (**)
    movieretitle (**)
    movieselectionquickbutton (**)
    movie-splitter (**)
    movietagger (**)
    multquickbutton (**)
    multirc (**)
    myspacedirect (**)
    mytube (**)
    myvideo (**)
    namezap (**)
    ncidclient (**)
    netcaster (**)
    nfidump (**)
    nfsserver (**)
    nstreamplayer (**)
    ofdb (**)
    off (**)
    openpanel (**)
    orfat (**)
    partnerbox (**)
    passwordchanger (**)
    pauli (**)
    permanentclock (**)
    permanentrecording (**)
    permanenttimeshift (**)
    pictureplayer (*)
    planerfs (**)
    pluginsort (*)
    podcast (**)
    project-valerie (**)
    puremp3player (**)
    pzyemail (**)
    quickbutton (**)
    quicktv (**)
    reconstructapsc (**)
    remotetimer (**)
    remotetv (**)
    rsdownloader (**)
    sambaserver (*)
    screensaver (**)
    secondinfobar (**)
    seekbar (**)
    serienfilme (**)
    sherlock (**)
    shoutcast (**)
    showclock (**)
    simplebitrate (**)
    simplerss (**)
    smargo (**)
    socketmmi (**)
    spinnerselektor (**)
    sportinfos (**)
    startuptostandby (**)
    suduko (**)
    swapscript (**)
    tageditor (**)
    timeshiftsave (**)
    timeupdate (**)
    trafficinfo (**)
    translator (**)
    tuxcom (**)
    tvcharts (**)
    tversity (**)
    unwetterinfo (**)
    updatecheck (*)
    upnp (**)
    userscripts (*)
    ushare (**)
    valixdcontrol (**)
    vierg (**)
    virtualzap (**)
    vlcplayer (**)
    wetherplugin (**)
    wethersat (**)
    webbrowser (**)
    webcamviewer (**)
    webbouqueteditor (*)
    webinterface (*)
    webradiofs (**)
    webvideoplayer (**)
    werbezapper (**)
    xmltvimport (**)
    youtubeplayer (**)
    yttrailer (**)
    zaphistorybrowser (**)
    zapstatistic (**)
    zdfmediathek (**)
    basic hd (**)
    blackbox (**)
    blueline (**)
    blueline.extended (**)
    blueline.single (**)
    brushed alu hd (**)
    chromeline (**)
    chromeline.cobolt (**)
    dmconcinnity-hd (**)
    dmm-hd (**)
    dreammm-hd (**)
    dreamtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd-reloaded (**)
    elgato-hd (**)
    flatline (**) (**)
    glassline (**)
    greenline (**)
    greenline.extended (**)
    greenline.single (**)
    greyline (**)
    greyline.extended (**)
    greyline.single (**)
    kerni-hd1 (**)
    kerni-hd1r2 (**)
    lt6-hd (**)
    shadowline (**)
    simple (**)
    swain (**)
    swain.hd (**)
    ultraviolet (**)
    vali.hd (**)
    vali.hd.atlantis (**)
    vali.hd.nano (**)
    vali.hd.nano.mod (*)
    vali.hd.warp (**)
    valixd (**)
    yads-hd (**)
    picon (*)
    picon 01.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 04.8e 3d hd (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 19.0e 3d (**)
    picon 19.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d hd (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d hd (**)
    my changes at enigma:
    MHW epg active
    load patch for crossepg
    bouquet button patch
    videopreview patch (by parsurimi)
    spinner fix patch (by adenin)
    .recordings patch
    authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) <- this image will only work on original dmm hardware!
    this image is updateble via setup -> software management over internet!
    OE Build Configuration:
    BB_VERSION = “1.8-dream”
    TARGET_ARCH = “mipsel”
    TARGET_OS = “linux”
    MACHINE = “dm500hd”
    DISTRO = “opendreambox”
    DISTRO_VERSION = “1.6.0″
    TARGET_FPU = “soft”

  8. #8

    here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² “experimental” OE 1.6 branch.
    Enigma is of 27.08.2011
    the plugins are of 27.08.2011
    the drivers are of 21.08.2011
    new kernel 2.6.18-r13
    secondstage is 83
    changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE h**p://
    my changes at oe:
    own bootlogo’s, artwork by skywatcher
    with satellites.xml – enigma² by Reinh@rd
    changes of dccamd start
    dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download
    (*) included
    (**) only via plugin-download available
    automaticcleanup (**)
    automatictimerlistcleanup (**)
    automaticvolumeadjustment (**)
    autoresolution (**)
    cleanupwizard (**)
    crashlogautosubmit (**)
    crossepg (**)
    defaultservicesscanner (**)
    diseqctester (**)
    dvbtime (**)
    hotplug (*)
    ledmanager (**)
    mphelp (**)
    networkbrowser (*)
    networkwizard (*)
    positionersetup (*)
    satelliteequipmentcontrol (**)
    satfinder (*)
    setpasswd (**)
    skinselector (*)
    softwaremanager (*)
    tempfancontrol (*)
    videoenhancement (**)
    videomode (*)
    videotune (*)
    vps (**)
    aihdcontroller (**)
    ambx (**)
    antiscrollbar (**)
    appletrailer (**)
    atmolight (**)
    audiosync (*)
    autotimer (**)
    b00k (**)
    babelzapper (**)
    barryallen (**)
    bartallen (**)
    bitrateviewer (**)
    blockcontent (**)
    bonjour (**)
    buliticker (**)
    bwmon (**)
    captain-shell (**)
    cdinfo (**)
    cooltvguide (**)
    covermanager (**)
    cronmanager (**)
    cutlisteditor (*)
    cvsnews (**)
    daemonmanager (**)
    dccamd (**)
    devicemanager (**)
    dflash (*)
    djmount (**)
    dmvidsdirectt (**)
    dreambuddy (**)
    dreamdts (**)
    dreamexplorer (**)
    dreamirc (**)
    dreammediathek (**)
    drwatson (**)
    dvdbackup (**)
    dvdburn (**)
    dvdcontroller (**)
    dvdplayer (*)
    dyndns (**)
    easymedia (**)
    emailclient (**)
    enhancedmoviecenter (**)
    epgrefresh (*)
    epgsearch (**)
    extendedserviceinfo (**)
    fancontrol2 (**)
    fantastic (**)
    filebrowser (**)
    flashbackup (**)
    flashcheck (**)
    freeze (**)
    fritzcall (**)
    ftpbrowser (**)
    genuinedreambox (*)
    googlemaps (**)
    graphmultiepg (*)
    growlee (**)
    hddtemp (**)
    hdmon (**)
    housekeeping (**)
    httpproxy (**)
    imdb (**)
    kiddytimer (**)
    lancontrol2 (**)
    lastfm (**)
    lcdskin (**)
    ledctl (**)
    ledmanager (**)
    letterbox (**)
    livescore (**)
    logomanager (**)
    lottoextended (**)
    lottozahlen (**)
    mediacenter (**)
    mediadownloader (**)
    mediaplayer (*)
    mediascanner (*)
    merlinepg (**)
    merlinmusicplayer (*)
    metacafedirect (**)
    meteoitalia (**)
    modem (*)
    mosaic (**)
    mountie (**)
    mountie-light (**)
    moviecut (**)
    movieepg (**)
    moviejukebox (**)
    movielistpreview (**)
    movieretitle (**)
    movieselectionquickbutton (**)
    movie-splitter (**)
    movietagger (**)
    multquickbutton (**)
    multirc (**)
    myspacedirect (**)
    mytube (**)
    myvideo (**)
    namezap (**)
    ncidclient (**)
    netcaster (**)
    nfidump (**)
    nfsserver (**)
    nstreamplayer (**)
    ofdb (**)
    off (**)
    openpanel (**)
    orfat (**)
    partnerbox (**)
    passwordchanger (**)
    pauli (**)
    permanentclock (**)
    permanentrecording (**)
    permanenttimeshift (**)
    pictureplayer (*)
    planerfs (**)
    pluginsort (*)
    podcast (**)
    project-valerie (**)
    puremp3player (**)
    pzyemail (**)
    quickbutton (**)
    quicktv (**)
    reconstructapsc (**)
    remotetimer (**)
    remotetv (**)
    rsdownloader (**)
    sambaserver (*)
    screensaver (**)
    secondinfobar (**)
    seekbar (**)
    serienfilme (**)
    sherlock (**)
    shoutcast (**)
    showclock (**)
    simplebitrate (**)
    simplerss (*)
    smargo (**)
    socketmmi (**)
    spinnerselektor (**)
    sportinfos (**)
    sportportal (**)
    startuptostandby (**)
    suduko (**)
    swapscript (**)
    tageditor (**)
    timeshiftsave (**)
    timeupdate (**)
    trafficinfo (**)
    translator (**)
    tuxcom (**)
    tvcharts (**)
    tversity (**)
    unwetterinfo (**)
    updatecheck (*)
    upnp (**)
    userscripts (*)
    ushare (**)
    valixdcontrol (**)
    vierg (**)
    virtualzap (**)
    vlcplayer (**)
    wetherplugin (**)
    wethersat (**)
    webbrowser (**)
    webcamviewer (**)
    webbouqueteditor (*)
    webinterface (*)
    webradiofs (**)
    webvideoplayer (**)
    werbezapper (**)
    xmltvimport (**)
    youtubeplayer (**)
    yttrailer (**)
    zaphistorybrowser (**)
    zapstatistic (**)
    zdfmediathek (**)
    basic hd (**)
    blackbox (**)
    blueline (**)
    blueline.extended (**)
    blueline.single (**)
    brushed alu hd (**)
    chromeline (**)
    chromeline.cobolt (**)
    dmconcinnity-hd (**)
    dmm-hd (**)
    dreammm-hd (**)
    dreamtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd-reloaded (**)
    elgato-hd (**)
    flatline (**) (**)
    glassline (**)
    greenline (**)
    greenline.extended (**)
    greenline.single (**)
    greyline (**)
    greyline.extended (**)
    greyline.single (**)
    kerni-hd1 (**)
    kerni-hd1r2 (**)
    lt6-hd (**)
    shadowline (**)
    simple (**)
    swain (**)
    swain.hd (**)
    ultraviolet (**)
    vali.hd (**)
    vali.hd.atlantis (**)
    vali.hd.flex (**)
    vali.hd.nano (**)
    vali.hd.nano.mod (*)
    vali.hd.warp (**)
    valixd (**)
    yads-hd (**)
    picon (*)
    picon 01.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 04.8e 3d hd (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 19.0e 3d (**)
    picon 19.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d hd (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d hd (**)
    my changes at enigma:
    MHW epg active
    load patch for crossepg
    bouquet button patch
    videopreview patch (by parsurimi)
    spinner fix patch (by adenin)
    .recordings patch
    authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) -> this image will only work on original dmm hardware!
    this image is updateble via setup -> software management over internet!
    OE Build Configuration:
    BB_VERSION = “1.8-dream”
    TARGET_ARCH = “mipsel”
    TARGET_OS = “linux”
    MACHINE = “dm500hd”
    DISTRO = “opendreambox”
    DISTRO_VERSION = “1.6.0″
    TARGET_FPU = “soft”
    md5: 13457009076120e78fe0f4b636a2da8b


  9. #9

    korn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Rep Power

    here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² “experimental” OE 1.6 branch.
    Enigma is of 11.09.2011
    the plugins are of 11.09.2011
    the drivers are of 02.09.2011
    new kernel 2.6.18-r14
    secondstage is 84
    changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE _

    my changes at oe:

    own bootlogo’s, artwork by skywatcher
    with satellites.xml – enigma² by Reinh@rd
    changes of dccamd start
    dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download

    (*) included
    (**) only via plugin-download available


    automaticcleanup (**)
    automatictimerlistcleanup (**)
    automaticvolumeadjustment (**)
    autoresolution (**)
    cleanupwizard (**)
    crashlogautosubmit (**)
    crossepg (**)
    defaultservicesscanner (**)
    diseqctester (**)
    dvbtime (**)
    hotplug (*)
    ledmanager (**)
    mphelp (**)
    networkbrowser (*)
    networkwizard (*)
    positionersetup (*)
    satelliteequipmentcontrol (**)
    satfinder (*)
    setpasswd (**)
    skinselector (*)
    softwaremanager (*)
    tempfancontrol (*)
    videoenhancement (**)
    videomode (*)
    videotune (*)
    vps (**)


    aihdcontroller (**)
    ambx (**)
    antiscrollbar (**)
    appletrailer (**)
    atmolight (**)
    audiosync (*)
    autotimer (**)
    b00k (**)
    babelzapper (**)
    barryallen (**)
    bartallen (**)
    bitrateviewer (**)
    blockcontent (**)
    bonjour (**)
    buliticker (**)
    bwmon (**)
    captain-shell (**)
    cdinfo (**)
    cooltvguide (**)
    covermanager (**)
    cronmanager (**)
    cutlisteditor (*)
    cvsnews (**)
    daemonmanager (**)
    dccamd (**)
    devicemanager (**)
    dflash (*)
    djmount (**)
    dmvidsdirectt (**)
    dreambuddy (**)
    dreamdts (**)
    dreamexplorer (**)
    dreamirc (**)
    dreammediathek (**)
    drwatson (**)
    dvdbackup (**)
    dvdburn (**)
    dvdcontroller (**)
    dvdplayer (*)
    dyndns (**)
    easymedia (**)
    emailclient (**)
    enhancedmoviecenter (**)
    epgrefresh (*)
    epgsearch (**)
    extendedserviceinfo (**)
    fancontrol2 (**)
    fantastic (**)
    filebrowser (**)
    flashbackup (**)
    flashcheck (**)
    freeze (**)
    fritzcall (**)
    ftpbrowser (**)
    genuinedreambox (*)
    googlemaps (**)
    graphmultiepg (*)
    growlee (**)
    hddtemp (**)
    hdmon (**)
    housekeeping (**)
    httpproxy (**)
    imdb (**)
    kiddytimer (**)
    lancontrol2 (**)
    lastfm (**)
    lcdskin (**)
    ledctl (**)
    ledmanager (**)
    letterbox (**)
    livescore (**)
    logomanager (**)
    lottoextended (**)
    lottozahlen (**)
    mediacenter (**)
    mediadownloader (**)
    mediaplayer (*)
    mediascanner (*)
    merlinepg (**)
    merlinmusicplayer (*)
    metacafedirect (**)
    meteoitalia (**)
    modem (*)
    mosaic (**)
    mountie (**)
    mountie-light (**)
    moviecut (**)
    movieepg (**)
    moviejukebox (**)
    movielistpreview (**)
    movieretitle (**)
    movieselectionquickbutton (**)
    movie-splitter (**)
    movietagger (**)
    multquickbutton (**)
    multirc (**)
    myspacedirect (**)
    mytube (**)
    myvideo (**)
    namezap (**)
    ncidclient (**)
    netcaster (**)
    nfidump (**)
    nfsserver (**)
    nstreamplayer (**)
    ofdb (**)
    off (**)
    openpanel (**)
    orfat (**)
    partnerbox (**)
    passwordchanger (**)
    pauli (**)
    permanentclock (**)
    permanentrecording (**)
    permanenttimeshift (**)
    pictureplayer (*)
    planerfs (**)
    pluginsort (*)
    podcast (**)
    project-valerie (**)
    puremp3player (**)
    pzyemail (**)
    quickbutton (**)
    quicktv (**)
    reconstructapsc (**)
    remotetimer (**)
    remotetv (**)
    rsdownloader (**)
    sambaserver (*)
    screensaver (**)
    secondinfobar (**)
    seekbar (**)
    serienfilme (**)
    sherlock (**)
    shoutcast (**)
    showclock (**)
    simplebitrate (**)
    simplerss (*)
    smargo (**)
    socketmmi (**)
    spinnerselektor (**)
    sportinfos (**)
    sportportal (**)
    startuptostandby (**)
    suduko (**)
    swapscript (**)
    tageditor (**)
    timeshiftsave (**)
    timeupdate (**)
    trafficinfo (**)
    translator (**)
    tuxcom (**)
    tvcharts (**)
    tversity (**)
    unwetterinfo (**)
    updatecheck (*)
    upnp (**)
    userscripts (*)
    ushare (**)
    valixdcontrol (**)
    vierg (**)
    virtualzap (**)
    vlcplayer (**)
    wetherplugin (**)
    wethersat (**)
    webbrowser (**)
    webcamviewer (**)
    webbouqueteditor (*)
    webinterface (*)
    webradiofs (**)
    webvideoplayer (**)
    werbezapper (**)
    xmltvimport (**)
    youtubeplayer (**)
    yttrailer (**)
    zaphistorybrowser (**)
    zapstatistic (**)
    zdfmediathek (**)


    basic hd (**)
    blackbox (**)
    blueline (**)
    blueline.extended (**)
    blueline.single (**)
    brushed alu hd (**)
    chromeline (**)
    chromeline.cobolt (**)
    dmconcinnity-hd (**)
    dmm-hd (**)
    dreammm-hd (**)
    dreamtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd-reloaded (**)
    elgato-hd (**)
    flatline (**) (**)
    glassline (**)
    greenline (**)
    greenline.extended (**)
    greenline.single (**)
    greyline (**)
    greyline.extended (**)
    greyline.single (**)
    kerni-hd1 (**)
    kerni-hd1r2 (**)
    lt6-hd (**)
    shadowline (**)
    simple (**)
    swain (**)
    swain.hd (**)
    ultraviolet (**)
    vali.hd (**)
    vali.hd.atlantis (**)
    vali.hd.flex (**)
    vali.hd.nano (**)
    vali.hd.nano.mod (*)
    vali.hd.warp (**)
    valixd (**)
    yads-hd (**)
    picon (*)
    picon 01.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 04.8e 3d hd (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 19.0e 3d (**)
    picon 19.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d hd (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d hd (**)

    my changes at enigma:

    MHW epg active
    load patch for crossepg
    bouquet button patch
    videopreview patch (by parsurimi)
    spinner fix patch (by adenin)
    .recordings patch
    authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) -> this image will only work on original dmm hardware!
    this image is updateble via setup -> software management over internet!

    OE Build Configuration:

    BB_VERSION = “1.8-dream”
    TARGET_ARCH = “mipsel”
    TARGET_OS = “linux”
    MACHINE = “dm500hd”
    DISTRO = “opendreambox”
    DISTRO_VERSION = “1.6.0″
    TARGET_FPU = “soft”

    md5: f2efe133482ea27ff31826dd617ce4d9

    Starting today, images for the models DM500HD, DM800 SE and DM800HD PVR include an improved flash error correction feature.
    In order to benefit from the improvements, it is required that you either flash the new image with the latest version of DreamUP (V1.3.3.8) or flash a new second stage loader ( DM500HD DM800HD PVR DM800 SE ) before flashing the image via your browser or other means.
    If you use the online update functionality, the new second stage loader will automatically be installed after rebooting.

  10. #10

    korn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Rep Power


    here comes my latest dm500hd Image from Enigma² “experimental” OE 1.6 branch.
    Enigma is of 16.10.2011
    the plugins are of 16.10.2011
    the drivers are of 02.09.2011
    new kernel 2.6.18-r14
    secondstage is 84
    changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE

    my changes at oe:

    own bootlogo’s, artwork by skywatcher
    with satellites.xml – enigma² by Reinh@rd
    changes of dccamd start
    dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download

    (*) included
    (**) only via plugin-download available


    automaticcleanup (**)
    automatictimerlistcleanup (**)
    automaticvolumeadjustment (**)
    autoresolution (**)
    cleanupwizard (**)
    crashlogautosubmit (**)
    crossepg (**)
    defaultservicesscanner (**)
    diseqctester (**)
    dvbtime (**)
    hotplug (*)
    ledmanager (**)
    mphelp (**)
    networkbrowser (*)
    networkwizard (*)
    positionersetup (*)
    satelliteequipmentcontrol (**)
    satfinder (*)
    setpasswd (**)
    skinselector (*)
    softwaremanager (*)
    tempfancontrol (*)
    videoenhancement (**)
    videomode (*)
    videotune (*)
    vps (**)


    aihdcontroller (**)
    ambx (**)
    antiscrollbar (**)
    appletrailer (**)
    atmolight (**)
    audiosync (*)
    autotimer (**)
    b00k (**)
    babelzapper (**)
    barryallen (**)
    bartallen (**)
    bitrateviewer (**)
    blockcontent (**)
    bonjour (**)
    buliticker (**)
    bwmon (**)
    captain-shell (**)
    cdinfo (**)
    cooltvguide (**)
    covermanager (**)
    cronmanager (**)
    cutlisteditor (*)
    cvsnews (**)
    daemonmanager (**)
    dccamd (**)
    devicemanager (**)
    dflash (*)
    djmount (**)
    dmvidsdirectt (**)
    dreambuddy (**)
    dreamdts (**)
    dreamexplorer (**)
    dreamirc (**)
    dreammediathek (**)
    drwatson (**)
    dvdbackup (**)
    dvdburn (**)
    dvdcontroller (**)
    dvdplayer (*)
    dyndns (**)
    easymedia (**)
    ecasa (**)
    emailclient (**)
    emission (**)
    enhancedmoviecenter (**)
    epgrefresh (*)
    epgsearch (**)
    extendedserviceinfo (**)
    fancontrol2 (**)
    fantastic (**)
    filebrowser (**)
    flashbackup (**)
    flashcheck (**)
    foreca (**)
    freeze (**)
    fritzcall (**)
    ftpbrowser (**)
    genuinedreambox (*)
    googlemaps (**)
    graphmultiepg (*)
    growlee (**)
    hddtemp (**)
    hdmon (**)
    housekeeping (**)
    httpproxy (**)
    imdb (**)
    kiddytimer (**)
    lancontrol2 (**)
    lastfm (**)
    lcdskin (**)
    ledctl (**)
    ledmanager (**)
    letterbox (**)
    livescore (**)
    logomanager (**)
    lottoextended (**)
    lottozahlen (**)
    mediacenter (**)
    mediadownloader (**)
    mediaplayer (*)
    mediascanner (*)
    merlinepg (**)
    merlinepgcenter (**)
    merlinmusicplayer (*)
    metacafedirect (**)
    meteoitalia (**)
    modem (*)
    mosaic (**)
    mountie (**)
    mountie-light (**)
    moviecut (**)
    movieepg (**)
    moviejukebox (**)
    movielistpreview (**)
    movieretitle (**)
    movieselectionquickbutton (**)
    movie-splitter (**)
    movietagger (**)
    multquickbutton (**)
    multirc (**)
    myspacedirect (**)
    mytube (**)
    myvideo (**)
    namezap (**)
    ncidclient (**)
    netcaster (**)
    nfidump (**)
    nfsserver (**)
    nstreamplayer (**)
    ofdb (**)
    off (**)
    openpanel (**)
    orfat (**)
    partnerbox (**)
    passwordchanger (**)
    pauli (**)
    permanentclock (**)
    permanentrecording (**)
    permanenttimeshift (**)
    pictureplayer (*)
    planerfs (**)
    pluginsort (*)
    pluginhider (**)
    podcast (**)
    project-valerie (**)
    puremp3player (**)
    pzyemail (**)
    quickbutton (**)
    reconstructapsc (**)
    remotetimer (**)
    remotetv (**)
    rsdownloader (**)
    sambaserver (*)
    screensaver (**)
    secondinfobar (**)
    seekbar (**)
    serienfilme (**)
    sherlock (**)
    shoutcast (**)
    showclock (**)
    simplebitrate (**)
    simplerss (*)
    smargo (**)
    socketmmi (**)
    spinnerselektor (**)
    sportinfos (**)
    sportportal (**)
    startuptostandby (**)
    suduko (**)
    swapscript (**)
    tageditor (**)
    timeshiftsave (**)
    timeupdate (**)
    trafficinfo (**)
    translator (**)
    tuxcom (**)
    tvcharts (**)
    tversity (**)
    unwetterinfo (**)
    updatecheck (*)
    upnp (**)
    userscripts (*)
    ushare (**)
    valixdcontrol (**)
    vierg (**)
    virtualzap (**)
    vlcplayer (**)
    wetherplugin (**)
    wethersat (**)
    webbrowser (**)
    webcamviewer (**)
    webbouqueteditor (*)
    webinterface (*)
    webradiofs (**)
    webvideoplayer (**)
    werbezapper (**)
    xmltvimport (**)
    youtubeplayer (**)
    yttrailer (**)
    zaphistorybrowser (**)
    zapstatistic (**)
    zdfmediathek (**)


    basic hd (**)
    blackbox (**)
    blueline (**)
    blueline.extended (**)
    blueline.single (**)
    brushed alu hd (**)
    chromeline (**)
    chromeline.cobolt (**)
    dmconcinnity-hd (**)
    dmm-hd (**)
    dreammm-hd (**)
    dreamtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd (**)
    dtv-hd-reloaded (**)
    elgato-hd (**)
    flatline (**) (**)
    glassline (**)
    greenline (**)
    greenline.extended (**)
    greenline.single (**)
    greyline (**)
    greyline.extended (**)
    greyline.single (**)
    kerni-hd1 (**)
    kerni-hd1r2 (**)
    lt6-hd (**)
    shadowline (**)
    simple (**)
    swain (**)
    swain.hd (**)
    ultraviolet (**)
    vali.hd (**)
    vali.hd.atlantis (**)
    vali.hd.flex (**)
    vali.hd.nano (**)
    vali.hd.nano.mod (*)
    vali.hd.warp (**)
    valixd (**)
    yads-hd (**)
    picon (*)
    picon 01.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 04.8e 3d hd (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d (**)
    picon 07.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d (**)
    picon 09.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d (**)
    picon 13.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d (**)
    picon 16.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 19.0e 3d (**)
    picon 19.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d (**)
    picon 23.5e 3d hd (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d (**)
    picon 28.2e 3d hd (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d (**)
    picon 39.0e 3d hd (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d (**)
    picon 42.0e 3d hd (**)

    my changes at enigma:

    MHW epg active
    load patch for crossepg
    bouquet button patch
    videopreview patch (by parsurimi)
    spinner fix patch (by adenin)
    .recordings patch
    authenticity certificate check (by Dr.Best) -> this image will only work on original dmm hardware!
    this image is updateble via setup -> software management over internet!

    OE Build Configuration:

    BB_VERSION = “1.8-dream”
    TARGET_ARCH = “mipsel”
    TARGET_OS = “linux”
    MACHINE = “dm500hd”
    DISTRO = “opendreambox”
    DISTRO_VERSION = “1.6.0″
    TARGET_FPU = “soft”

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