W@rkraft BKP QBoxHD Stone Distribution 1.0.16
v 0.0.2
Bug fixes...........
Wi fi working now... tested only with usb dongle
correct missing items from main menu....... bkp and restore
new infobar on w@rkraft3 skin............
added w@rkraft-3greek skin with font fixes......
mgc@md 1.3.6 correct net functions....cline ok now ...
Cline------> /var/keys/cccamd.list
new webinterface 1.6.8 in beta stage experimental for Qboxhd
it will be soon available at Q.U.T server from DIAMONDEAR !!!!!!!
removed hd glas skin ,......conflict with wi fi.
new plugin script executer ..key updates ect,,ect,,,
Attention !!!!!!!!!!!
the files from this backup are only for testing purposes
You can use the informations to test the cryptografic systems
but not to decode or watch any TV channel.
Viewing Pay TV without a valid subscription is illegal..