Technomate 800 HD Image iQ 08/06/2011
In this iQ image fixed
1.Flash memory capacity indicator (It will stop downloading the capacity comes below than 1MB)
2.Improved Stability (No more frequent green screen) ; Fixed some wrong script and memory management
3.New image from iQ Team
4.New Skin (Vali)
5.Default Recording Paths changed to Front USB
6.Default Channel list changed to �20110419-vhannibal 16-apr-2011봳ested best.
7-5-MB extra memory to add any extras.
8-After factory to flash will be cleared totally.
9- channel change speed improved
10-Multimedia function disabled temporary as iQ team like to finish it properly soon.
11-Seagate 320GB and 500 GB tested in sata record play OK western digital and fujitsu failed
UR tean no longer following tm-800 images
New iQ team will be non stop working for the remaining issues
there will be more images soon
This image tested no more green screen or flash remaining memory
Please do not use any addon plagins channel list cams from your old file
for this test use only from blue button and default channels after all ok use anythings you want.install one at the time if problem
repeat downlod again