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Thread: PB-Beta-3.0-AZBOXHD

  1. #1

    korn's Avatar
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    - public beta Stand 17.04.2011
    * based on RTi-core thx to the_ripper and all others

    - Power-Board-Center
    - neuer Update-Server
    - one-key HD Skin thx to ravadi

    - backup-Manager, addon-Management, spaceviewer, crypt-Anzeige, ... uvm.

  2. #2

    korn's Avatar
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    Power-Board Enigma 2 VX AZBOXHD Beta

    I once again was built from the git azbox

    The whole thing is not tested, so to enjoy a bit of caution ...

    These are the latest available in the git kernel and installed the latest drivers available in the git!
    Of course, contain the latest PB center, which should then have the backup capabilities and the new, user-friendly look and the Azbox-user capabilities!

    The PB-center and the onekeyblue please update manually, so the backup can be used schonmal

  3. #3

    korn's Avatar
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    A new beta is available - 3.2. dated 02.09.2011

    State is the current state of Azbox-Git from 28.08.
    Except for WiFi, everything should work quite well ...

  4. #4

    korn's Avatar
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    PB-Beta-3.2.2 AZBOXHD

    Other fixed in Enigma
    sambaserver downloaded again - even through telnet
    Tuxttxt away, so many Daemons are the least visible - they do not go yet ...
    Media Center, Media Player, Media Player integrated in Enigma are available and work well ...

  5. #5

    korn's Avatar
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    PB-Beta-3.2.2 2011-09-10

    PB-Beta-3.2.2 AZBOXHD

    Other fixed in Enigma
    sambaserver downloaded again - even through telnet
    Tuxttxt away, so many Daemons are the least visible - they do not go yet ...
    Media Center, Media Player, Media Player integrated in Enigma are available and work well ...

  6. #6

    korn's Avatar
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    Απ: PB-Beta-3.0-AZBOXHD

    PB-Powerboard Enigma II VX für Azboxhd

    Release 2011-12-05

    Neben den bekannten Sachen ist noch die Möglichkeit dazu gekommen, Plugins und Skins auszulagern.
    Dafür im Devicemanager die Auswahl auf das gewünschte Laufwerk stellen und "Menü" drücken.

    Es sollten aber nur Laufwerke mit nicht-drehenden Teilen ausgewählt werden, z.B. ein USB-Stick oder speziell auf der Azbox, wenn ein größeres DOM verbaut ist, der formatierte Restteil des DOMs!

    Desweiteren können Camd von Hand installiert werden.
    Bei der Oscam kann beim Installieren sogar ausgewählt werden, ob man sie als Standalone-Camd oder zusätzlich zu einer anderen Camd (z.B. CCcam) verwenden will.
    Dazu einfach das Cam-Binary in den Ordner /tmp/camdinstall schieben, dann im Devicemanager camdinstaller aufrufen.

    NFS-Server und Samba-Server können nun per Addon Browser installiert werden.

    Der "fstab-bug" ist NICHT behoben - der ist in einem Treiber versteckt, darauf haben wir keinen Zugriff.
    Deshalb nach mindestens einmal neu booten die fstab aus dem Image-Paket nach /etc schieben, nochmal neu booten und dann die Laufwerke im Devicemanager des PB-Center einhängen!

    Wichtig: Neuflashen ist zwingend erforderlich!

    For our english spoken community:

    Beside the known things, we created the possibility to install camd manually.
    During the process of installing oscam, you can now choose to let it act as a standalone camd or alongside another camd (e.g. CCcam).
    Copy the cam-binary to /tmp/camdinstall. Goto pb-center and use the camdinstaller to install it.
    An example for oscam-CCcam:
    Install CCcam via Addonbrowser. Copy the oscam-binary to /tmp/camdinstall. Goto pb-center and use the camdinstaller to install it "add oscam to other cam". Now you can choose this combination in the cam-manager.

    Skins and plugins can be installed onto a USB device. Please, do not use a device with moving parts, USB HDD. Therefore you have to put the cursor on the device and push menu-button in the device-manager.
    If a larger DOM is installed, it can be used for "outsourcing" too in the same way. You only have to choose the DOM and push the menu-button.

    NFS-Server and Samba-Server could be installed by the Addon-Browser.

    The "fstab-bug" is not solved until now - it is part of a driver, so we have no method to fix it.
    So - after one ore more reboot - you have to put the fstab provided in the image-packet to /etc onto the box, reboot and mount the devices with the devicemanager in the pb-center

    Important: Flashing is defenitly necessary !!!!

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