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Thread: Total Commander

  1. #21

    Απ: Total Commander

    05.03.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 beta 2 (32/64)

    Fixed: Alt+F10 tree, rescan with F2: Ignore recursive links, and do not follow links at all when IgnoreLinks=8 (or sum containing 8) (32/64)
    Fixed: Find files, click on "Drives", close with "X" -> focus was lost (64)
    Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrow on archive: Only show as archive in other panel if ENTER would also open it as an archive (e.g. for .zip, but not for .docx) (32/64)
    Fixed: F7 New Folder: Refresh other panel also if the path is essentially the same, but differs in upper/lowercase characters (32/64)
    Added: Multi-rename tool: The counter field [C] now supports fractional parts (only in the field itself, not in the counter section), e.g. [C+1/100]\[N] will move the first 100 files to subdir "1", the next 100 to "2" etc. (for the reverse, use ..\[N]) (32/64)
    Fixed: These dialogs also didn't support Unicode in wildcards/regular expressions: Colors, hints, overwrite custom fields, compare filters, and thumbnail texts by file type (32/64)
    Fixed: Various dialogs didn't support regular expressions (with '<' prefix) although the dialog text suggested it: Colors by file type, help texts (hints) by file type, overwrite dialog custom fields, synchronize compare filters, and thumbnail texts by file type (32/64)
    Fixed: Crash when setting AllocationPreference (DWORD) to 0x100000 in the registry, problem with WM_MEASUREITEM, because wparam only contains lower 32-bit of GWL_ID (64)
    Fixed: String Nr. 677 <DIR>: Only append ">" when string starts with "<" (32/64)
    Fixed: Wincmd.ini: setting historylen to 0 didn't turn off the history, one line was still written (32/64)
    Fixed: "Copy to clipboard" not working any more in "Compare by content", binary mode (32/64)
    Fixed: Delete function: Show "Seeking..." instead of "Deleting" while counting the number of files to be deleted (32/64)
    Fixed: Pack files, move to archive, each selected in separate archive -> base dir not deleted when packing with option "leave out base directory" (32/64)
    Fixed: No thumbnails were shown in Shift+F6 overwrite confirmation dialog (32/64)


  2. #22

    Απ: Total Commander

    12.03.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 beta 3 (32/64)

    Added: New internal command OPENLANGUAGEFILE WCMD_xyz.LNG to open specific LNG/MNU file pair from "language" subdir. Leave out parameter for internal language. Will not be added to .inc (32/64)
    Added: Changed default value of UploadBlockSize to 1, meaning dynamic from 512 to 32768 bytes. First adjustment after 128k (32/64)
    Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AlignNumberFix=0 turns off alignment of size/date/time with Uniscribe (32/64)
    Fixed: Find files, feed to listbox, delete files: The footer was still showing the number of selected files (64)
    Fixed: FTP upload file (F5): If user enters name with subdir, e.g. dir/newname, no check for existing files was done (32/64)
    Added: FTP rename file (Shift+F6): Show overwrite confirmation dialog if target exists (32/64)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Regular expressions not working in content compare filter dialog (32/64)
    Fixed: Windows 8.x: Segoe UI font had different spaced numbers, size and date/time fields looked very ugly -> use Uniscribe to display them (32/64)
    Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CtrlArrowOpenArchive=5: Controls whether Ctrl+Left/Right arrow opens archives or not: 0=never, 1=if ENTER opens archive, 2=if ZIPlikeDirectory=1, 3=always. Add 4 to put cursor on file if not opened. Does not affect search - feed to listbox mode (32/64)

  3. #23

    Απ: Total Commander

    19.03.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 beta 4 (32/64)

    Fixed: Alt+F1/F2: Couldn't access items "+" and "*" with keyboard when using Chinese locale (32/64)
    Added: Also load per extension icons in a (separate) background thread to avoid slowdowns when scrolling (e.g. due to Windows Defender) (32/64)
    Fixed: When using multiple environment variables in the same command, TC stopped replacing them at the first non-existing (32/64)
    Fixed: TAR packer: Files >4GB couldn't be packed correctly (32/64)
    Fixed: Quick search: Problem with cursor position when searching for more than 2 characters of Korean on Windows 8.x (64)
    Fixed: Could not enter RAR5 archive with different password than the remembered password. Reason: unrar.dll returned new error code ERAR_BAD_PASSWORD (32/64)
    Fixed: Avoid "Out of system resources" error in mylabel control when dimensions are <=0 or too big (32/64)
    Fixed: Find files, results from multiple archives, feed to listbox -> total size negative, number of files may be wrong (32/64)
    Fixed: Always set XPMoveMethod=0 on Linux/WinE, otherwise the file may get zero permissions (WinE bug) (32/64)
    Added: Multi-rename tool: Allow to enter forward slashes for moving files on FTP servers to other (already existing) dirs - do not overwrite existing files in target dirs (32/64)
    Fixed: FTP: Rename multiple files with Shift+F6: Show overwrite confirmation dialog for each file where target exists, supports "Overwrite all" (32/64)
    Fixed: FTP: Rename single file with Shift+F6: Delete target only if RNTO fails, not if RNFR fails (32/64)
    Fixed: Folder size (loaded via Alt+Shift+Enter) lost after switching to other program and back when sorting folders by size. Solution: Make folder checksum independent from sort order (32/64)
    Added: Use NetShareEnum to get list of all shared folders (if user has admin rights) to speed up loading of shared folder icons (32/64)
    Fixed: Access violation when changing font and Uniscribe wasn't loaded yet (32/64)
    Fixed: FTP: Log loading of OpenSSL DLLs and errors, try to re-use dll loaded by a plugin from a different directory (32/64)

  4. #24

    Απ: Total Commander

    26.03.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 beta 5 (32/64)

    Added: Change main menu only with new command OPENLANGUAGEFILE WCMD_xyz.MNU or OPENLANGUAGEFILE .MNU for internal (32/64)
    Fixed: Find files, search for text in zip, compressed size<1MB but uncompressed >1MB -> only first MB was searched (32/64)
    Fixed: "F7 New Folder" in virtual folder (e.g. Android device) -> directory sometimes only appearing after manual refresh (32/64)
    Fixed: Choose old command line from history with keyboard, press left or right arrow -> command line was selected instead of placing the cursor behind it (64)
    Added: F6 move dialog: Right click on OK or Queue button shows context menu "Copy" to copy the file instead of copying it (32/64)
    Added: F5 copy dialog: Right click on OK or Queue button shows context menu "Move" to move the file instead of copying it (32/64)
    Fixed: Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete: Click on "Verify after delete" didn't enable the "Apply" button (64)
    Added: Also load icons for internal associations in a background thread (32/64)
    Fixed: Windows directory was shown as shared (due to administrative share ADMIN$) (32/64)
    Fixed: Automatic redraw of per extension icons (when extracted) wasn't working correctly (64)
    Fixed: No per extension icons were shown when using 32x32 icons (32/64)


  5. #25

    Απ: Total Commander

    09.04.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 release candidate 2 (RC2) (32/64)

    Fixed: Very slow extraction of icons or overlay icons could hang opening of Lister (F3) -> use different critical section when loading plugins (32/64)
    Fixed: Unpack password-protected RAR with Alt+F9 -> parent of password dialog wasn't set to the progress dialog (32/64)
    Fixed: Memory leak in Compare by content - Recompare from here (only if a file was changed) (32/64)
    Fixed: Compare by content - "Resync comparison from here" not working correctly if one of the files (or both) was saved just before using the function (32/64)
    Fixed: Do not try to draw updated icon (loaded in background) before the actual line has been drawn (e.g. multiple files with same extension) (32/64)
    Fixed: Icon of focused item in inactive panel could sometimes get cursor background from active panel (32/64)

  6. #26

    Απ: Total Commander

    23.04.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 final (32/64)

    Fixed: No progress bar in system tray icon when using external icon library (via iconlib=) on high DPI device (32/64)
    Fixed: FTP: Increased maximum allowed value of DataConnectTimeout (wcx_ftp.ini) from 60 to 300 seconds (default is 10 seconds) (32/64)
    Fixed: Crash when aborting delete from FS plugin during the counting phase (checking how many files are in selected subfolders) (32/64)

  7. #27

    Απ: Total Commander

    30.04.14 Release Total Commander 8.51a final (32/64)

    Fixed: Left panel switched to c:\ when inserting/removing USB stick while "Drive not found" error was shown (32)
    Fixed: Right click context menu: Still crashes caused by PowerArchiver shell extension - fixed by initializing command string to 0 (32/64)

  8. #28

    enigma1969's Avatar
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    Re: Total Commander

    Total Commander 9.00 beta 6

    Release 21-07-2016

    Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 6 (32/64)
    Fixed: Re-apply auto-switch view mode filters after Ctrl+U, but do not swap view modes themselves (32/64)
    Added: Set color of currently active tab, overrides any view mode tab colors: wincmd.ini [Colors] ActiveTabColor=RGB value (32/64)
    Fixed: Duplicate folder tab via right click menu -> copy also view mode, icon, and colors (32/64)
    Fixed: Button with command other than .exe (e.g. .vbs) and parameter %S not working with spaces in the program name (reason: CreateProcess used instead of ShellExecuteEx, to allow longer command line) (32/64)
    Fixed: Icons in folder tabs (to which the user switches) are lost after using cm_ToggleAutoViewModeSwitch while no view mode switch rules are defined (32/64)
    Fixed: Leave archive with F2/Ctrl+R -> view modes were still not updated in 64-bit only (64)
    Fixed: Search with "ev:" prefix: ignore results in the form "c:", "c:\", "\\server", "\\server\share" (32/64)
    Fixed: When reading from a network directory, do not refresh the file list when TC loses focus when wait dialog is up, and user switches back when reading complete (32/64)
    Fixed: Don't pack each file to TEMP when TEMP folder is on the same drive as target folder (32/64)
    Fixed: Search via 'Everything': When not using the ev: prefix, call Everything_SetMatchPath(true); Everything_SetMatchCase(false); Everything_SetMatchWholeWord(false); before each search to get correct results (32/64)
    Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: If comment type is set to Text+UTF-8, and a plain text comment file with line breaks \n exists, and user enters Unicode comment, the comment extra info wasn't handled correctly when codepage wasn't Western (1252) (32/64)
    Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: If comment type is set to UTF-8, make sure the comment isn't cut in the middle of an UTF-8 multi-byte character when it is too long (32/64)
    Fixed: Slightly increased with for text Search - Plugins tab - "Combine with" (32/64)
    Fixed: Content plugin, full unicode text field, text search: Results wrong in 64-bit due to wrong buffer size reported to plugins (64)
    Fixed: Network Neighborhood, Windows XP or older: Total number of files/folders in footer was wrong (32/64)
    Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view, edit file, save it -> file list was updated, but quick view wasn't (32/64)
    Fixed: Menu "Start": User-defined hotkeys were not translated, also not in "Change start menu" dialog (32/64)
    Fixed: Right click on current tab in inactive panel -> wrong current view mode was checked, and chosen mode was applied to active panel instead (32/64)
    Added: Configuration dialog: When clicking OK or Apply while on "View modes" page, and automatic view mode changes are off, apply the current view mode to the file lists (32/64)
    Fixed: CopyLinks>0 -> comments of hard links/junctions were not copied with the links (32/64)
    Fixed: View modes, execute commands: When starting TC, we need to set the current panel to the target when executing a command there like cm_dirbranch. Otherwise it would be executed in the wrong panel (32/64)
    Fixed: Remove hotkey (&) from string 6402 in second location in server type definition dialog (32/64)
    Fixed: Show description in "Set default icon library" also for file wcmicon2.dll (32/64)
    Fixed: Help, SizeFooter description was not updated to the new 2 digit and terabyte styles (32/64)
    Fixed: Manifest resource in 64-bit installer (64)
    Fixed: Edit box for "File types" in "Auto mode change" was too wide (32/64)

    Member SatDreamGr Projects

  9. #29

    enigma1969's Avatar
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    Re: Total Commander

    Total Commander 9.00 beta 10

    What's new:
    - Cofigure drive icons, default file/folder icons, '!' overlay and dimmed hidden icons via main configuration dialog
    - Detect when a drive is locked by bitlocker, and offer to unlock it

    Member SatDreamGr Projects

  10. #30

    enigma1969's Avatar
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    Re: Total Commander

    Total Commander 9.00 beta 12

    Release 31.08.16

    Fixed: Ignore keyboard input sent to TC while a modal dialog is up, e.g. F5 copy dialog. Workaround to Windows bug where TC can get focus while disabled (hover over taskbar icon until preview shows up, right click on preview) (32/64)
    Fixed: Refresh only active panel after deleting file via right click context menu, and the other panel showed a different drive (32/64)
    Fixed: The line between listbox and status bar wasn't drawn in brief view (32/64)
    Fixed: Some resized icons would appear too dark when using a custom icon size (32/64)
    Fixed: Increased text height in background transfer manager and background progress dialog slightly to handle 10pt fonts (32/64)
    Fixed: Drive combobox could be too narrow on higher DPI devices using larger icon size (32/64)
    Fixed: Increased textbox height in dialog which appears when editing multiple files from ZIP with F4 with multiple document editor (32/64)
    Fixed: F5-F6 repeatedly doesn't work any more with CHS file names (32)
    Fixed: Thumbnails view: View mode background wasn't used. Note that thumbnails view only uses the first background color (32/64)
    Fixed: Configuration, click "Apply": Do not try to apply auto view mode change rules unless they were actually changed, just apply the changed view mode (32/64)
    Fixed: Sorting headers (Name/Ext. etc.): Removed extra line on the left when using HeaderThemed=0 (64)
    Fixed: View mode and view mode switch configurations: Comboboxes were not translated when changing languages and clicking Apply without closing the dialog (32/64)
    Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CountMarkedBackground=0 disables second progress bar in background transfer manager (32/64)
    Fixed: Exit button was too far to the right (only beta 11) (32)
    Fixed: When the user changed the view mode manually while auto view mode changes were enabled, it was not preserved when not using tabs (32/64)
    Fixed: Update bitlocker drive icon in drive bar and drive dropdown combobox when unlocking bitlocker drive from within TC (32/64)
    Fixed: After unlocking a bitlocker drive, trying to switch to it may return a different error while the drive is unlocked but not yet accessible (32/64)
    Fixed: Do not show green open arrow overlay when using old archive icons (32/64)
    Added: Also show old archive icon when unchecking "Show default folder/file icons from Explorer" (32/64)
    Fixed: When an external icon library (via iconlib=) contains separate "!" overlay icons, use these always instead of the dedicated file+! and folder+! icons (32/64)
    Fixed: Crash trying to enter directory longer than 1023 characters (Reason: directory history storing both path+name under cursor) (32/64)
    Fixed: Search dialog: Only handle F4 for edit when the focus is not in a combobox, because F4 is already used by Windows to open a dropdown combobox (32/64)
    Fixed: When using drive icons from Explorer, re-read network drive icon when switching from elsewhere to it, to remove red 'x' if the drive was reconnected (32/64)
    Fixed: Menu bar theme background wasn't drawn when maximized on secondary screen, AND that screen ended with x-coordinate 0 (shown to the left of the main screen) (64)
    Fixed: 24x24 icon in 32-bit version was replaced by a resized 32x32 icon by mistake (32)

    Member SatDreamGr Projects

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